Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Japanese Video Game Music

Many of my friends love にほんごの ビデオゲーム. Like ゼルダ、ファイナルファンタジー、or ポケモン。And even if they do not, they enjoy the beautiful music from video games.

Example, one time I played some songs from games on the piano, my mother overheard and asked me,
"What is that song from?  It's so beautiful."
"It's from a video game!"
"No way!"
 I played for her this one.

Final Fantasy 4.  Theme of love. Uematsu Nobuo.
月の明り -ファイナルファンタジーIV 愛のテーマ-
植松 伸夫 

The にほんじん who make the music all have unique stories and I learned some from this documentary series. 植松 伸夫 (Uematsu Nobuo) Interview starts at 3:58.

My favorite JPop song from a video game is:
宇多田 ヒカル. Simple and Clean.

~ Chenさん

Thursday, October 1, 2015

PE Goals

I want to improve my speaking of long vowels and my speed.  I also want to improve my comprehension of listening, especially with long vowels.

  • Vowels: to pronounce the correct length of vowel.
  • Consonants: to not over-pronounce consonants and nasals.
  • Precision and speed:  to pronounce quickly and precisely.


  • Do shadowing 10-20 minutes a day by using Speak Everywhere or from watching Japanese anime on my own.  Sing along with my favorite Japanese songs everyday in the shower or while walking. 
  • Go to Japanese language table every week (I love food).
  • Visit  しばたせんせい の office hour one a week with a friend (Cortes-さん).
  • (/^▽^)/
  • commit Japanese sound system to muscle memory.